Frans;345408 zei:Het makkelijkst is om gewoon te bekijken hoe lang de wagen nat blijft na een regenbui in vergelijking met andere wagens in de straat.
Een wagen zonder bescherming is namelijk binnen de kortste keren droog (doordat er maar een hele dunne filmlaag water op de wagen blijft staan).
Wanneer de wagen vrij lang nat blijft, dan is dat een teken dat er nog steeds bescherming aanwezig is.
addy;345433 zei:Ok maar kan een spraysealant als reload dan wel zonder problemen over een waxlaag heen gezet worden zonder deze aan te tasten??
Daar ben ik eigenlijk wel benieuwd naar dan.
Fraxter;345383 zei:@GMToyota: iedereen zegt wat anders wat betreft wachttijden. Ik kan er geen touw aan vast knopen. Maar het kan toch niet zo zijn dat ondanks het niet lang genoeg wachten ALLES nu al weg is. Helemaal doordat reload de laatst aangebrachte laag is.
Ik heb overigens de reload aangebracht met het idee om alles mooi af te sluiten. De ramen en rubbers staan dus ook in de reload. Misschien onzinnig gedacht maar het kan toch geen kwaad?
My concern with the test you carried out Gordon is that the products were not really used as they are designed to be used. Waxes are suposed to be applied thinly and buffed to leave a flat surface that will fully cure in 24-48 hours.
The spray sealants as far as I am aware are nearly all spray and buff not designed to be left on the surface to allow the solvents to eat in to what ever is there before, the spreading acction of the wipe spreads the product accross the panel so that the solvent can evaporate quicker leaveing the residue behind. I know ZCS is slighty different but there is still the wipe to spread and aid the evaporation of the solvent so giveing it little time to much away at the wax layers that have been applied.
I think they are designed to soften the wax a little so they can bond but leaveing the sealent in a quantity then allowign it to eat away will just to that. Just like any other solvent, Tardis will eat away at tar if you allow it to soak but a quick wipe and it won't really remove the whole tar spot.
This is basically the nub of the matter.
Unfortunately, Gordon was testing spray sealants on perhaps 50-100 microns of 'hazed' wax residue, not the buffed coatings you'll find on your car. That's about 1 micron thick and can obviously cure better in 24 hours. Most of this residue is, of course, removed.
And as John says, the solvents in a spray sealant aren't left to dwell on the surface. You can see how quickly Red Mist flashes off... the solvents are in very short contact with the paint.
However, we have always known the danger of applying spray sealants and other solvent rich products over freshly applied LSPs, hence why we give the 24-48 hour warning with Red Mist.
The most interesting suggestion here is something we have offered as advice ourselves in the past - apply the Red Mist in a couple of layers (it has almost instant curing) below the wax.
Spray sealants are perhaps at their most useful when used as a quick and convenient substitute coating for a wax or other LSP, perhaps as there is little time.
They also work well as a quick 'gloss and protection' top up after a weekly maintenance wash as we don't advocate putting on another wax layer due to the risk of sealing in contamination. A wipe with a solvent based and relatively lubricious spray sealant will cleanse a bit better and be less likely to seal dirt in.
But like most products, care must be taken in how they are used. However, Gordon's test is unfortunately a little misleading and hardly the 'scare story' some may see it as
This is the danger of a thread like this - not from my commercial perspective as we make Red Mist Tropical as well, which Gordon points out is far less aggressive in these tests (we may even sell more than competitor products of a similar nature to Red Mist Original) but that people will be scared of using spray sealants when there may be little or no reason to be.
You can do amateur experiments all day long, work out how much solvent is needed to dissolve wax solids (normally around 300%), search google and wikipedia until your brain explodes, but the simple fact is that we know - and anybody with a car, a wax and a spray sealant can know - when a spray sealant removes a wax layer and when it doesn't. This is what Gordon's thread is all about.
1) Get a car with freshly applied wax, wax normally inc buffing as this is how wax is applied.
2) Immediately (so after hazing/buffing but no more than 30 mins later) wipe a generous amount of spray sealant over the surface - the evidence (all that Gordon or anyone else needs) will be the wax 'pilling'. Forming little balls or sausages of wax on the surface. These are white in colour, if it's a wax and easy to see. A bit like how rubbery white silicone sealant goes if overdry. This is the wax layer being removed
Now repeat the experiment after allowing the wax to cure over 24-48 hours.
Is the wax still on the car? Well, waxes last longer than a day, so you'd presume so. Now apply a generous amount of spray sealant and look for the telltale pilling. Does it remove wax? See for yourself.
Joos;345456 zei:...Hieruit heb ik zelf de conclusie getrokken dat de EXP dus echt niet veel minder presteert als de lagen snel achter elkaar worden opgebracht. ...