The name has been revealed: Supernatural Hybrid ... Dodo Juice's much anticipated "paste sealant".
Prior to diving into a preview of this forthcoming product let's take a moment to discuss Supernatural ...
Supernatural is a peculiarly fine wax and one which I have championed as the finest wax you can use after machine polishing paintwork to perfection. Anybody who has seen perfectly machined paintwork will know what a shame it is, often, to wax that finish. Supernatural offers purity - it does not interfere with that perfection, neither dulling nor enhancing. It protects your hard work and allows that perfection to shine through. Furthermore, as a wax, it represents the absolute pinnacle of our hobby - the finest product, developed by enthusiasts FOR enthusiasts.
"Purity" is the very essence of Supernatural.
So, onto Supernatural Hybrid ...
Supernatural Hybrid does not replace Supernatural, nor supplant it. Supernatural Hybrid, as far as I understand, is Supernatural which has had its DNA bonded to a synthetic backbone of enhancement and fortification. Supernatural Hybrid is not so much a "paste sealant" but an engineered version of Supernatural itself, and it is worth remembering that this product is very much related to Supernatural ... and for that reason I will refer to it as a "wax".
In the same way as Supernatural raised the bar, Supernatural Hybrid raises it again.