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Gyeon Ceramic Quartz Coating

Nou, de nieuwe producten staan op de website incl prijs.

ik vind de producten naar mijn mening toch wel heel scherp geprijsd, met name de one.
Maar ook de Pure valt me niet tegen.
Zelf kies ik denk ik de volgende keer voor de synchro. Ben daar erg benieuwd naar.

Ben ook benieuwd wat andere merken hier tegen in gaan brengen. Bijvoorbeeld Nanolex moet hier toch ook op reageren met nieuwe producten.
De nieuwe producten 'in het wild' gespot (detailer in de buurt):
Sneak Peak: What’s New for Gyeon Quartz in 2018
by Jeff McEachran

2017 has been an incredibly busy year for the entire Gyeon Quartz Team globally. I wanted to give you guys a rundown of what’s been happening as well as an introduction to the new products being offered for 2018 so you know what’s new, what it means, and where to use it. A few points of progress from GYEON in 2017:

  • We have grown distribution in to 19 new countries, bringing the total to 71 individual country distributors.
  • We have added 121 Certified Detailers globally, bringing the total to 279 worldwide.
  • The Gyeon Quartz websites have been completely redesigned and translated in to their country specific languages.
  • Each Gyeon product’s User Manual has been updated and improved.
  • The Sprayers for the 100 ml bottles have been replaced and improved (no more leaky Cure 100 ml and FabricCoat 100 ml!)
  • There are new Dispenser Pumps for the full Shampoo Range (We’ll talk about these in the Q2M Bathe Essence How To write up).
  • The Q2 Coating Bottles have been completely redesigned with a frost finish and no more labels, but the info printed directly on the bottles.
  • New Packaging, Products, and Structure for the entire Q2 Product Range.
So, lets get to it!

The most applicable news will be the New Products for 2018 and their structure. Gyeon has split the Q2 Coating offering in to 3 very distinct categories:

  1. Enthusiast
  2. Professional
  3. Certified Detailer
For this article we will discuss the Enthusiast and Professional categories and how to know which one is right for you.

The Enthusiast category will consist of Q2 CanCoat, of which we are already familiar, and the all new Q2 One. This category is designed specifically for the person who is comfortable installing a wax or sealant, is interested in coating technology, however has not yet made the leap in to installing a coating on their vehicle. Both products in the Enthusiast category are designed to be installed in a single layer. Ease of installation is a major goal. These 2 coatings are very easy to work with, without long or tricky flash times. Simply apply and remove. You can get the durability, protection, and looks of a coating with the ease of install of a wax or sealant.

Q2 CanCoat is a fantastic, versatile, and easy to use product. The value is hard to beat for 200ml of a true SiO2 Coating that can be used on any exterior surface of the car.


Q2 One is a more substantial coating. It applies thick on to the surface, is easily removed, and delivers a ton of gloss and protection. Q2 One is of a higher concentration of SiO2 content than Q2 CanCoat to deliver a bit more durability and protection. I would put the two equal in terms of very high gloss and water beading.


The Professional Category will consist of Q2 Pure, Q2 Mohs, and Q2 SYNCRO. This category is designed for the experienced and skilled coating installer who is comfortable applying a long term, multi year coating, in multiple layers.

Lets start with a quick backstory on Q2 Pure and why Q2 Prime has left the offering. Q2 Prime was one of my favorite coatings. It is the very first coating I ever touched from GYEON and is still going strong on my wife’s 2015 Jetta 2+ years later. The issue we ran in to with the user experience of Q2 Prime was this. Because of it’s price point (cheaper than Q2 Mohs) and because it was designed to be installed in a single layer (where Q2 Mohs is designed in 2 layers), it was looked at as the “entry level” coating in the Gyeon line up. This had people new to the coating world reach for it as the easy go to from GYEON, and it really isn’t. Q2 Prime was a highly concentrated SiO2 based coating that applied in a thick layer, that if it was your very first coating ever could be a bit difficult to install. We didn’t feel like we were sending the right message with Q2 Prime and did not want to deliver a poor first experience with the GYEON line when people reached for it. Enter Q2 Pure:

Q2 Pure is a completely redesigned, pure and highly concentrated SiO2 based coating. It is easier to install than Q2 Prime. It performs very well against water spots. It is designed to be installed in a single layer, however it can be layered for added durability. It has a very distinct, warm, and deep gloss. If you like the dramatic “candy” bend of light from a coating, then this is the one for you. It will sit at the same skill level and price point as Q2 Mohs.


Q2 Mohs is the longstanding workhorse of the GYEON Quartz line up. It is an extremely easy to use PHPS based coating that uses a very high quality mix of solvents and silazanes. Q2 Mohs is very capable in terms of chemical and UV protection. The carrier solvents have been slightly tweaked for 2018 to make the install even easier. The rest of the coatings construction and core components have stayed the same. Where Q2 Mohs really is a breakthrough is the low shrink rate once fully cured. This leaves a thick layer of protection over the paint, which is awesome as a stand alone coating, or can be topped with Booster, CanCoat ……..or Skin as a part of the all new Syncro system.


Q2 Syncro is a brand new coating from GYEON using 2 layers of Q2 Mohs as the base coating to be topped with the all new Skin. Syncro is the first 2 part coating system with separate base coat/top coat chemistry available to all Detailers. SKIN is a silicone based top coat designed for maximum slickness. It builds up a true additional layer of coating. It is fully chemical resistant. It is very easy to apply. Q2 Syncro is the top tier coating available to all Detailers with excellent looks and performance.


Certified Detailer
If you are a Gyeon Certified Detailer, you will be hearing more about some great additions. If you are interested in becoming a Certified Detailer, feel free to contact Gyeon USA directly!

We also have a few additions to the Q2M Line:

Q2M Bathe Essence

I think the new Bathe Essence is the most anticipated product in the Q2M category. Yes, we were all thinking a 4L denomination of Bathe would land. GYEON chose instead to concentrate Bathe in to an extremely powerful shampoo that can be easily used in a 4 gal wash bucket through the dispenser pump to deliver stout cleaning power over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. I am very impressed with Bathe Essence.


Q2M Compound+

This product came in to existence after the markets response to Q2M Compound not having quite enough bite. Q2M Compound+ solves that problem nicely. It is still water based, low dusting, silicon free, with no fillers. It is a very honest polish that performs equally well with a DA or Rotary.


Q2M Cure Matte 400ml

If you have tried the Q2 Matte coating, you know it included a 100 ml bottle of Cure Matte. This is a similar maintenance spray as the traditional Q2M Cure, however it will not add gloss to your matte or satin finish. We received a very high demand for Cure Matte in a 400 ml size as a stand alone product and here it is. So, if you want to protect your matte or sating finish without stepping all the way in to a coating this is the answer.


That is the meat of the changes for 2018! I will have full How To Articles up for these shortly, so you can really dive in to the process. Enjoy and thank you for reading!!
Laatst bewerkt door een moderator:
Vandaag zag ik in op de mooie nieuwe CC site hetvolgende staan en dat sloeg voor mij werkelijk alles:
Ik dacht eerst dat het een grapje was en hoop stiekem nog dat dit een van die “bugs” is op de site met artikelen die nog verwijderd worden maar als we voorts moeten betalen voor een brochure van een merk anno 2017 bijna 2018 met een hele digitale wereld met mooie websites van de merken zelf dan doet Gyeon iets erg goed...marketing ten top als iemand deze brochures zou kopen...

De producten van dit merk zijn in pricipe niks mis mee, al zijn sommige producten twijfelachtig “beter” of “uniek” naar mijn mening en wordt dit merk teveel ge-hyped maar dat is mijn persoonlijke mening...een brochure uitbrengen en daar geld voor vragen gaat mij te dan ook wel erg ver.
Beetje laat maar ik had deze reactie niet gezien. Het is inderdaad niet de bedoeling dat de brochure op de site zou staan.
Niet omdat we deze brochure willen verkopen aan onze klanten maar de boekjes zijn helaas te duur om onbeperkt weg te geven aan dealers.
Dus als een verkooppunt grotere aantallen wil hebben van deze boekjes dan kunnen ze tegen kostprijs (weet je gelijk wat ze kosten) aankopen.

We kunnen helaas niet zomaar tientallen of honderden boekjes uitdelen, daar zijn ze gewoon te duur voor helaas. Daarvoor is de marge gewoon niet aanwezig naar dealers toe. En deze moeten dan toegevoegd worden aan bestelling en dus moet er ook een product aan gehangen worden. Dat is dus wat je gezien hebt :)

Onze klanten krijgen ze van ons bij een bestelling.
@Dibbuz de 30ml prime kit.
Zit daar nu wel of niet de cure bij? hij wordt wel beschreven maar zit er volgens mij niet bij.. beetje verwarrend niet?
De cure staat ook op de foto..

(geld ook voor MOHS trouwens)


Met Gyeon Q²M Prep (500ml) verwijder je polijstoliën en vet zodat de coating optimaal kan hechten. Gebruik deze met de meegeleverde Monello Peluche Bianco zodat er geen achtergebleven restjes de hechting van de coating kunnen beinvloeden.

Daarna Gyeon Q² Prime aanbrengen met de meegeleverde suede doekjes om de applicator uit de Q² Prime kit. Werk per paneel en direct afnemen met de Monello Piccolo Nero's. Gebruik één doek voor het afnemen en een tweede om het paneel nogmaals na te wrijven.

Gyeon Q²M Cure als laatste gebruiken voordat de auto naar buiten gaat, maar minimaal 4 uur wachten na het afnemen van Q² Prime. Hoe langer het behandelde lakwerk droog blijft hoe beter.

Deze kit bestaat uit Gyeon Q²M Prep (500ml), Gyeon Q² Prime 30ml kit, één Monello Peluche Bianco en één Piccolo Nero Trio pack.
@Remke Waarom denk je dat hij er niet bij zit dan? Hij wordt beschreven, staat op de foto maar toch heb je het idee dat hij er niet bij zit?

De Essentials kit bestaat uit meerdere onderdelen. Een van die onderdelen is de Q² Prime kit, daarin zit ook de Q²M Cure, Q²M Applicator en Q²M doekjes. Dus alles wat je normaal gesproken krijgt bij een Q² Prime of Q² Mohs kit zit ook in de Essentials bundel.
Ben benieuwd of iemand al ervaring heeft met Q2 One.
Hier n review van Mike Phillips:
GYEON Q2 ONE Enthusiast Ceramic Coating


First my review

This is a great product. Although it's targeted at first time coating users in my opinion it's a perfect coating for anyone. Why? Because I'm in the camp that for most people, driving daily drivers, you don't want a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 year or infinity coating because even with a coating, your car because it's exposed to the elements and wear-n-tear, should really be re-polished and then re-coated once a year to maintain both maximum protection and maximum gloss and beauty. I knows this because I've polished coated cars and I've seen the embedded dirt film called road grime come off the car and onto my pad. So call it a once a year coating or an enthusiast coating, it's really a great choice for anyone wanting to protect their daily driver. If you have a garage queen... then sure go for the 2, 3, 4 and so-on coatings advertised to last for multiple years because the paint on garage queens does't see the elements or the wear-n-tear like daily drivers.

Coatings are NOT like traditional car waxes and synthetic sealants. First unlike a car wax or synthetic sealant, there is one extra step required of you to do to the paint on your car before you can apply the coating and that is to chemically strip the paint. I'll show you how below.

Also, coatings take a little more effort to apply. They don't tend to glide over paint like waxes and sealants and this isn't a big deal as long as you're aware of this (and now that you're reading my review you are "aware"), and here's my very simple tip and technique to make applying any coating easier. Slow-down. That's right, don't try to push the applicator over the paint quickly like you can with waxes and sealants. Simply slow down and allow the applicator and the coating to spread over the paint at a speed you can feel through your sense of touch that makes the movement feel easy, not forced. This means allowing a tick more time to apply a coating to your car than you would allow for applying a traditional car wax or synthetic paint sealant. The benefits are worth it.

What are the benefits of a ceramic paint coating?

Extreme gloss - So much gloss that the word I use to describe the appearance is glassy. Glassy is a tick higher than glossy.

Extreme durability - Correctly applied, coatings simply don't wear off like car waxes and synthetic paint sealants. Of course, it is important to still wash a coated care carefully and I have an article on that and will share it later in this thread.

Better protection - Hey if it's lasting longer on the car obviously it's protecting longer.

Faster washing - Ceramic coatings create a hydrophobic or water-fearing surface - water naturally wants to get away from a ceramic coated surface thus washing is faster as dirt is released easier and faster when washing.

Faster drying - Same reasons a ceramic coated car is faster to wash, water wants to get off the car so it will naturally blow off or wipe off.

Self-cleaning effect - Because of the hydrophobic surface, when it rains the water will run off faster and easier and take any accumulated dirt with it.

GYEON Q2 One Enthusiast Ceramic Coating
This new coating is targeted at you if you're still using car waxes and synthetic paint sealants. I'll show you below how to apply it. It's not hard as long as you follow the directions and once you've coated your car you'll have all the experience you need to tackler future coating projects.

This new coating is as easy as it gets when it comes to applying and wiping off the coating. Professional grade coatings can last longer because there is a higher concentration of "solids" in the formula. It is this higher concentration of solids that also makes it more difficult to wipe-off. The solvents used to hold the coating in a liquid emulsion can vary greatly, and this will also have a major influence on how easy or how difficult a coating is to wipe-off. GYEON has taken all these things into consideration and created the perfect balance of a super high quality coating that is easy for the novice to install.

When I hear the word install I think of having new tires installed on my car or having a new stereo installed in my car. The word install is the new term for the word apply. So when you hear or read about someone installing a coating all that means is they are wiping it on and then wiping it off. There is no mystery around the word install, it's just the latest detailing slang for the word apply and wipe-off.

Now let's take a look at how to install the GYEON Q2 One Enthusiast Ceramic Coating

Requirements to install a coating
The key thing is the paint needs to be clean as in any above surface bonded contaminants removed as well as any road grime or road film that is impacted onto the paint. Normal washing will not remove above surface contaminants or road film. To remove above surface bonded contaminants you need to use detailing clay or tools like the Nanoskin towels, mitts or pads. Washing will also not remove embedded and impacted road film. To remove road film you need to use one of the below or a combination of the below.

  1. Paint Prep Polish
  2. True Paint Cleaner
  3. Polish
  4. Compound

If you are unsure of what any of the above are please reply to this thread and ask me and I will explain. Or call our customer care hotline and our friendly staff can answer all your car care questions 1-800-869-3011

The BIG PICTURE is you want the paint to be smooth and clean or free from any substance that is not the paint.

Chemically stripping the paint
Assuming you have already reached the point where the paint is clean and smooth, now it's time to chemically strip the paint. What does this mean? In simple terms you're going to use a mild solvent to wipe the paint surface to remove any foreign substance. The best example for what this is abll about is say for example as a part of the process of prepping the paint you used 2, 3, or 4 of the listed ways to prep paint above. A paint cleaner, polish or compound will tend to leave oily residues on the paint even after wiping with a microfiber towel. These oily residues will HINDER the coating from making a proper bond. So the idea behind chemically stripping the paint is to dissolve and remove any substance that could hinder the bonding of the coating to the paint.

This is the extra step that is required for use when installing coatings that is not required when using a traditional car wax or synthetic paint sealant.

This is a very safe solvent that works great and unlike some options smells good too...


Note how I used all capital letters for the heading for this section? That's to stress how important it is to have lots of high quality, clean and soft microfiber towels. You see, clearcoat paints are scratch-sensitive, this means THEY SCRATCH EASILY. Now follow me... it takes HOURS to buff out a car to perfection. It takes SECONDS to put swirls and scratches into a clearcoat paint finish. Guess where most swirls and scratches come from? Dirty, contaminated towels.

My strong recommendation
If you're going to invest the time and money into putting a ceramic paint coating on your car's finish then plan for and budget for a generous amount of DEDICATED microfiber towels JUST for this process. I cannot speak highly enough about the Bald Wipes from GYEON. These towels, unlike most towels have a flat weave instead of a fluffy fiber nap. They are SO LESS LIKELY to become contaminated due to the flat weave. This takes a LOT of the risk out of using them the first time and then using them over and over again because they simply hard to contaminate.

What do I mean by contaminate?
I mean fluffy microfiber towels, it's very easy for any type or form of abrasive particle to embed into the fluffy nap. Not so with a flat weave. Inspecting the towels is faster too and this speeds up all paint related processes.

Remember - takes HOURS to remove the swirls and scratches and only SECONDS to put them in... so clean towels are key.

Lots of them...
The last thing you want to do is start a detailing project and run out of trusted towels. So my recommendation is to get 6 Bald Wipes minimum and if your budget allows, get 12. Why 12? Because then you can make a dedicated small wash load washing ONLY these 12 towels. Then dry them together and then store them together. Look at them as tools or as a "tool investment". Take my word for it... towels are your best friend if you're don't want to put swirls and scratches into your car's scratch-sensitive clearcoat finish. (this applies to wash mitts and drying towels too, basically anything that touches the paint).

12 packs of GYEON Bald Wipes


How to chemically strip your car's paint

I know for some, this can sound horrible, that is chemically stripping your car's paint. It's something about the words, chemically stripping. But have no fear, we're not using Aircraft Qualtiy Paint Stripper, a product designed to melt and dissolve paint right off a car. We're talking about a product formulated by GYEON specifically to carefully remove trace polishing oils. It's really not that bad.


First gather your supplies, GYEON Prep and lots of GYEON Bald Wipes


Mike's Method --> Wet Pass followed by Insurance Pass
This is my method, you can come up with your own if you don't like mine. I wipe a car down twice. T

he first pass is a very wet pass to remove 98% of any trace oils or other substances. This is called the Wet Pass.

After wiping down the entire car I then wipe the car a second time only I dramatically reduce the amount of Prep I use, this is a moist paint I call the Insurance Pass. This second pass insures I have thoroughly removed any and all trace residues.

How to begin....

Start by spraying a heavy saturation of the prep directly onto the paint. (note I'm wearing nitrile gloves for this step)


Spray enough to see beads of product on the surface.


You should spray enough that the product almost starts to run off like you see in the picture below. IF it's running off that's a tick too much, aim for just before running off.


Me spraying Prep onto the hood...




Me spraying a mist or two onto a clean, folded 4-ways Bald Wipe. Then wipe down a section of a large panel like the hood. Sorry no pictures, but my camera broke, use good technique by spreading the product out and then wiping the product off.



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Deel 2:
Below is what the towel looks like after wiping just the hood on this Ford Escape. I've unfolded it to show you how wet it looks after one section.

Question: Now think about it... besides the Prep... what else is on this section?

Answer: Oily residues.

So think about it some more... do you want to wipe the next section with this portion of the towel? The answer is "no". If you do you risk removing oils from the next section but also leaving oils on the next section. This is called,


You want to avoid cross-contamination. This is why you need lots of towels for the chemical stripping step.

Make sense?


Now I've refolded the towel and while this portion of the towel is wet with Prep, it is still clean as it has not been used to wipe paint. Continue moving around the car spraying sections or panels of paint with Prep and then using clean sides of your Bald Wipes to wipe off oily residues.


Note how I hold my towels?

I fold them 4-ways and then CLAMP the open edges shut using my thumb on one side and my 4 fingers on the other side. This is called

Clamping a towel


Here's another picture showing how much Prep I spray for the first or initial wipe. I sprayed enough onto the front fender that here were plenty of beads of Prep and it just started to form together to run or stream off the fender.


Continue the above until you have wiped down the entire car. Normally you start at the top and work your way down. For pictures for this article I started on the hood and after getting some pictures moved to the roof.

BONUS - Here are some pictures that show what you're trying to do...

This first one is a section of the roof that I have sprayed with the Prep. Note the way the light looks on the paint in the front, right hand corner of the picture?


Here I've cropped out the above section. See where it looks kind of mottled?


What you're seeing is trace residues of oils from the polishing step. Sure I wiped the entire car down but trace oil residues are CLEAR - you cannot see them until you do something to make them show up. In this case I could see them AFTER spraying the paint with the Prep and instead of simply wiping them off I got my cell phone and took these pictures to hopefully enlighten you or to use a bad pun... clear things up.


The Insurance Pass
Fro the second wipe or the Insurance Pass, simply MIST some Prep onto a clean, folded Bald Wipe and use this slightly damped side of the towel to re-wipe a panel. After wiping one panel, flip or fold to a clean side and repeat until you've made this second pass to the entire vehicle. Don't spray Prep directly onto the panel, you'll get overspray mist onto finished panels.



Sorry no pictures of me doing the Insurance Pass, no one around to take the picture. Use your imagination.

Dirty wet towels

I used 3 Bald Wipes for the Wet Pass and 2 Bald Wipes for the Insurance Pass.


You can visibly see how wet these towels became doing the wet pass.


And you can visibly see how lightly dampened these towels become doing the Insurance Pass.


And here's how much Prep I used to chemically strip a 2014 Ford Escape Sports Utility Vehicle.


This is the level in the bottle before I started...


And here's the Ford Escape after chemically stripping.


Before getting to this point I will note that I started this project by washing this car, then claying, then compounding. So the paint was very clean and smooth before the chemical stripping step.
Thanx for the posts! :D

Professional grade coatings can last longer because there is a higher concentration of "solids" in the formula. It is this higher concentration of solids that also makes it more difficult to wipe-off.

@Dibbuz - Betekent dit dat er in verhouding meer silica in zit? Wat dan weer minder ruimte overlaat voor meer oplosmiddelen en dus de coating zich minder makkelijk laat afnemen? :D En dan een coating door meer silica dan ook meer dikte en/of hardheid kan bereiken?
Nu is de verleiding weer zooooo groot om hiermee aan de gang te gaan. Detailen is verslavend :cold_sweat:
  • Leuk
Reacties: M3fan
@Dany: idd. Maar eerst doeken bestellen dan
Klopt, ik heb het al eens bekeken en de financiële inspanning valt goed mee. Ik heb hier echter nog waxen staan die nog niet open geweest zijn. Misschien zou ik beter daar eens mee aan de slag gaan... ofwel belanden die mettertijd op de wagen van de vrouw. Luxekeuzes :yum

Ik heb vaker gelezen dat mensen deze doekjes gebruiken voor het afnemen, maar ik denk dat je meer heb aan een mooier edgeless doek.

Voor het aanbrengen zijn ze wel perfect. Dan zou ik wel de kleinere pakken.

En ook hier heeft nanolex voordeligere doekjes, en die zijn echt niks minder.
Ik gebruik die als laatste om de lak mee na te lopen NA het aanbrengen en afnemen. Dit voor als ik eventueel een plekje heb overgeslagen.

Ik heb ze nog niet gebruikt voor het aanbrengen dus kan ik niets over zeggen. Wellicht dat het fijn is zoals Zluytr zegt.
  • Leuk
Reacties: Dany en @Jasper
Thnxx @Zluytr mijn eerste keus zou ook uitgaan naar de Senza bordi om de coating mee af te menen alleen gaat het nog wel een tijdje duren voordat deze weer op voorraad is. Denk dat ik maar eerst uitwijk naar de bald wipe. Die komt volgens mij redelijk in de buurt van de Senza


Ik denk dat ik voor de allerlaatste stap wel een zon suède doekje kan bestellen voor de prijs hoef je het niet te laten :yum