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Gyeon Ceramic Quartz Coating

GlassPolish dus ok in een 250ml fles. Hopelijk komen hun andere polijstpastas ook ooit in 250ml formaat. 120ml vind ik net te klein, 1000ml is gelijk weer zoveel.

EcoWash leuke optie voor drooghulp! En producten als TotalRemover zie je nog niet zoveel. PBW StripDown is dan een directe vergelijking?
  • Leuk
Reacties: Ric325i
Q²M ServiceAccessories
What is it?
Interior accessories for professionals and GYEON fans.

What does it do?
We designed a fully #gyeonized set of protective elements to ensure the safety and cleanliness of crucial vehicle interior elements. Besides being very useful while moving the car in/out of the studio, they enhance the user experience of your client and give a more professional feel during handover. If you are an enthusiast, they will do a great job while moving your car between events or into storage.
3 new elements have their debut - a steering wheel cover, seat cover and paper floor mats.

What's special about it?
The seat and steering wheel covers are made of high-resistance material, which will endure plenty of wear and is additionally water proof.

Seat cover sold & steering wheel cover sold per single unit / floor matt sold as a pack of 25pcs.

Sales start:
Early 2024

Q²M Scents
What is it?
Sprayable interior scents

What does it do?
Most iconic GYEON Scents -now in your car's interior! We selected the most recognisable scents from our most popular products and created scents you can use in two different ways.

We introduce 4 different scents:
Silver Fresh: refreshing, subtle, smells a lot like Prep or Cure
Black Night: strong, heavy, reminding of a classic cologne water
Citrus Fresh: fresh, citrus-based
Light Blue: delicate, mild, fitting every interior, but outstanding in vehicles finished high a leather upholstery

What's special about it?
You can spray on one of the attached cardboard hangers, which are made of special, very absorbent material. Or, you can spray directly on the floormats and impregnate the interior for a long term, subtle effect.


Sales start:
Early 2024

Q²M MaskingTapes
What is it?
Masking tapes at the highest level

What does it do?
GYEON masking tapes have been developed together with Yves Heylen, the man behind our polishing pad designs. Yves has very particular expectations regarding tapes and their features, which we successfully implemented in the 3 sizes of paper tapes.

What's special about it?
Uncompromised quality. No glue leftovers, flexibility and high tear resistance. These qualities make them ideal for any polishing and coating work. The tapes are available in various widths and packs.

6mm x 18m / 18mm x 50m / 30mm x 50m

Sales start:
Early 2024

Q²M BlockApplicator EVO
What is it?
The most traditional way of applying coatings: re-designed.

What does it do?
Our brand ambassador Yves Heylen re-worked our block applicator, starting with foam density, proportions and thickness of each layer. For the first time, we also added cuts on the sides to position the suede easily.

What's special about it?
The aim was simple: more flexibility on curvy panels and improved grip for the suede. At the same time, we improved feedback coming towards to user from the surface.

one size

Sales start:
Early 2024
Q² Purify:coat
What is it?
Anti-bacterial coating.

What does it do?
Q² Purify Coat takes advantage of unique technology to prevent the development of bacteria and microbes on any interior surface. Leaves a natural, matte finish. Possible use on trim, leather and fabrics.

What's special about it?
It creates an anti-bacterial layer on any surface, in automotive, marine or home applications. Unlike alcohol-based products, its 100% natural formula is durable for up to 12 months. We managed to functionalise silica (SiO2) particles at an atomic level. The minimal addition of copper (Cu2+) as an active ingredient, allows to achieve a long-lasting effect and complete safety of use.


Sales start:
Early 2024

Q²M Purify:Maintain
purify maintain.webp
What is it?
Anti-bacterial maintenance spray.

What does it do?
Utilising the same technology as Q² Purify Coat, Q²M Purify Maintain is designed to help upkeep the anti-bacterial effect of the coating. It prolongs its durability but also has anti-bacterial properties. Use it as a daily interior detailer or to maintain your coating. It will remove light dust and grime while leaving surface protection for 3 up to even 6 months.

What's special about it?
Unique technology used for the first time in the automotive industry brings a new standard in anti-bacterial surface protection and creates a completely new product group which can extend the portfolio of detailing studios or car washes.

500ml / 4000ml

Sales start:
Early 2024

Q²M InteriorDetailer
interior detailer.webp
What is it?
Quick detailer for your interior. Its well-known formula remains unchanged, but the product becomes a natural part of the new Purify line.

What does it do?
Q²M InteriorDetailer is the ideal interior maintenance product to remove light grime and contamination while leaving a fresh and purified interior feel. It’s safe on leather, plastic, Alcantara, textiles, glass and all types of interior trim. It will leave a matte and not sticky finish.

What's special about it?
Q²M InteriorDetailer is a proven, extremely easy-to-use alcohol-based disinfectant and daily maintenance product. It is also a great preparation spray before the application of Q² PurifyCoat.

500ml / 1000ml / 4000ml

Sales start:
Now. Updates look: Early 2024

Q²M OdorRemover
odor remover.webp
What is it?
Effective odor removal spray.

What does it do?
Q²M OdorRemover uses unique technology to encapsulate unpleasant smells and remove them completely from any interior. No matter if it is a vehicle, boat, aircraft or home, the pads will aid smell removal for many months.

What's special about it?
Thanks to its water-based formula, it can be sprayed on any interior surface without any risk for you and your passenger. Utilising only natural ingredients and containing no alcohol, it makes a perfect fit for automotive interiors carrying children or pets.

500ml / 4000ml

Sales start:
Early 2024

Q²M OdorRemover Pads
odor pads.webp
What is it?
Effective odor removal pads.

What does it do?
Q²M OdorRemover Pad uses unique technology to encapsulate unpleasant smells and remove them completely from any interior. No matter if it is a vehicle, boat, aircraft or home, the pads will aid smell removal for many months.

What's special about it?
Q²M OdorRemover Pad doesn't mask unpleasant smells like most air fresheners. Utilising active particles of our regular OdorRemover, it encapsulates them and eliminates them while being completely neutral to the interior, making it a perfect fit for automotive interiors carrying children or pets.

4pcs per pack

Sales start:
Early 2024
Q²M Coating Applicator Light now in 10 Pack!

● What does it do?
Introduced back in 2020 along the EVO coating line-up, the new form factor of the already known Q²M Coating Applicator Large, brought so much more efficiency during coating application. Thanks to its shape and selected material, spreading coating across panels with even pressure has never been that easy!

● What’s special about it?
Thanks to its double side, you can choose which material you prefer to apply coating - Q²M BaldWipe or Q²M Suede.
But most important is the fact that on either side, the cloths are fitted with a specific liner that doesn't allow the product to get soaked in the inner foam and ensures maximum efficiency!

CAPACITIES // 10 x Q²M Applicator Light per PACK

Coming soon.
Gyeon Show! is online.

Lekker hip gemonteerd showtje, met veel nieuws. Nieuwe producten waren al bekend, nu meer meer info. En meer EVO-versies zoals Rim, View, Trim.
Als Gyeon fan wil ik ze heel graag snel proberen, maar kon nog niks vinden over start verkoop...
Laatst bewerkt:
Bespaar je de moeite.

Uitzending was vooral gericht op de Gyeon community en hoe je daar als Gyeon Certified detailer gebruik van kan maken, de (nieuwe) producten werden heel kort en in sneltreinvaart belicht.

Heb ook een aantal nieuwe producten niet eens behandeld zien worden in het filmpje. Zwaar gemiste kans mijn inziens.
Als eindgebruiker scheelt mij die community helemaal niks maar wil ik juist weten welke producten er komen, wat het verschil is met de huidige reeks en hoe je het gebruikt.
@Smotske voor my is Gyeon ook my eerste keuze!
@Juffer1 juist door je opmerking ben ik nieuwsgierig geworden.

Ben vooral benieuwd of de nieuwe Trim Evo de daadwerkelijke langere standtijd zal gaan behalen. Lijkt me perfect voor koplampen welke geschuurd en gepolijst zijn!
Nieuwe producten.

Total Remover to help removing existing layers of coating or sealants.

Defrost to remove ice on your windshield.

An all natural cleaner with Leather Cleaner.

Eco Wash for those detailers that are looking to perform a rinseless or waterless wash step.

Easy glass surface correction with Glass Polish.

The Traffic Film Remover TFR as a pre-wash product for heavily soiled vehicles.

Gyeon Q2M Steering Wheel Cover - A steering wheel cover to pop on after you've cleaned your interior.

Gyeon Q2M Seat Cover - Seat covers to protect your seats after cleaning.

Gyeon Q2M FloorMat - Disposable floor mats for cleaning and handover

Gyeon Q2M Block Applicator EVO - A brand new, beveled applicator block for application of ceramic coatings.

Gyeon Sprayable Scents & Hangers - 4 new sprayable scents and hanging air fresheners for the Gyeon range.

Gyeon Q2M Masking Tapes - A set of masking tape for polishing and coating in the official Gyeon colours.

Trim Cleaner.

En de producten krijgen een nieuw jasje.


































Laatst bewerkt:
Ik vind hun redesign persoonlijk wel geslaagd, zeker de aparte kleuren per "type" maakt alles lekker uniform en toch net wat duidelijker:
  • zwart = wielen / banden
  • donkerblauw = exterior & maintenance
  • doorzichtig = glas
  • wit = leder / trim / stof (interieur)
  • oranje = WetCoat


Ik kan het filmpje in kwestie even niet terugvinden maar in 1 van de vele "how to" videos die GYEON op YouTube post zag ik ooit iemand voorbij komen in de comments die per ongeluk Gyeon Tire had verward met Gyeon Bathe+ en dus op zijn lak aan de slag was gegaan met een tire dressing :laughing::


Mogelijks is dat horrorverhaal dus de aanzet geweest om de verpakkingen toch wat duidelijker op te delen.
  • Leuk
Reacties: Smotske en schaef
Ik vind hun redesign persoonlijk wel geslaagd, zeker de aparte kleuren per "type" maakt alles lekker uniform en toch net wat duidelijker:
  • zwart = wielen / banden
  • donkerblauw = exterior & maintenance
  • doorzichtig = glas
  • wit = leder / trim / stof (interieur)
  • oranje = WetCoat

Bekijk bijlage 167391

Ik kan het filmpje in kwestie even niet terugvinden maar in 1 van de vele "how to" videos die GYEON op YouTube post zag ik ooit iemand voorbij komen in de comments die per ongeluk Gyeon Tire had verward met Gyeon Bathe+ en dus op zijn lak aan de slag was gegaan met een tire dressing :laughing::

Bekijk bijlage 167392Bekijk bijlage 167393

Mogelijks is dat horrorverhaal dus de aanzet geweest om de verpakkingen toch wat duidelijker op te delen.
Ik heb ook wel eens per ongeluk Bathe op m'n banden gedaan, maar merkte het direct.
Ik vind hun redesign persoonlijk wel geslaagd, zeker de aparte kleuren per "type" maakt alles lekker uniform en toch net wat duidelijker:
  • zwart = wielen / banden
  • donkerblauw = exterior & maintenance
  • doorzichtig = glas
  • wit = leder / trim / stof (interieur)
  • oranje = WetCoat

Bekijk bijlage 167391

Ik kan het filmpje in kwestie even niet terugvinden maar in 1 van de vele "how to" videos die GYEON op YouTube post zag ik ooit iemand voorbij komen in de comments die per ongeluk Gyeon Tire had verward met Gyeon Bathe+ en dus op zijn lak aan de slag was gegaan met een tire dressing :laughing::

Bekijk bijlage 167392Bekijk bijlage 167393

Mogelijks is dat horrorverhaal dus de aanzet geweest om de verpakkingen toch wat duidelijker op te delen.
Ik ken iemand die zijn rubberen automatten had behandeld met Tire maar dan blijf je wegglijden bij het uitstappen
Laatst bewerkt:
Van de nieuwe lijn zitten idd wel wat nieuwe producten bij die ik wil proberen zoals bv
-Total remover (al hoop ik wel dat dit spul een beetje risicoloos is want wie weet is dit best krachtig?)
-interieur detailer staat nog op mijn lijstje
-Glass polish

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